Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A memorable journey from India to Luxembourg

On 26th Jan 2015, when I saw the Republic day parade , our Prime Minister Narendra Modi standing his head high with  Barack Obama and our National Anthem being played......I had tears in my eyes. It’s so true that “MISSING SOMEONE IS A PART OF LOVING THEM.IF YOU ARE NEVER APART, YOU WILL NEVER REALLY KNOWHOW STRONG YOUR LOVE IS.”  I miss my country so much, the samosa and jalebi treat on every republic day. And so I want to share one incident from my life which made me a better person and say proudly that INDIA AND INDIANS are GREAT.
It was the day when I was leaving India for a better opportunity to a foreign land. My flight was from Kolkata to Mumbai and then from Mumbai to Luxembourg. My flight in Kolkata got delayed for almost 3 hours and I still had no idea how long I will have to wait neither the crew members of the Airline. I was getting very restless as I was alone with my kid unable to connect with my husband due to weak signal. I was desperately trying to square things with crew member as any further delay would make impossible for me to catch the flight to Luxembourg.  
But they didn't seem to be very considerate. However my fellow passenger understood my problem. One of them came to me and asked details of Lufthansa Airlines, called his son and asked them to inform about my situation. Another lady was taking care of my son while I was busy talking to the crew members. Soon all the passengers even those who were not of the same flight started questioning and arguing with the crew members. Obviously everyone was agitated due to the delay but the most surprising part was when they all said “we won't board inside the flight until this ma’am (that’s me) is given a confirmed ticket to Luxembourg and accommodation in Mumbai" as they also felt it was impossible to catch flight now. The manager of the airline had to officially mail me and my husband that if I miss my flight they will arrange the needful. When I reached Mumbai only 45 min was left for the flight to take off and I had to collect my luggage, reach International terminal which was 4 km, and check in with all legal formalities. But I made it. Thanks to all my fellow passengers.
The incident is very small but the way it happened was very dramatic and touching. Each passenger was so concerned for me , they made me feel like one of the family and hence it reminds me one of the quote by Swami Vivekananda ” If there is any land on this earth that can lay claim to be the blessed Punya bhumi ,to be the land to which all souls on this earth must come to account for karma ,the land to which every soul that is wending its way Godward must come to attain its last home, the land  where humanity has attained its highest  toward gentleness, toward generosity, toward purity, toward calmness, above all the land of introspection and of spirituality -it is INDIA.

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